This is the second part of the meta-example hub section for the web marketing topic.

Website content works every day

Search generates clicks consistently, it is a perpetual motion engine. Every single click represents people with an active interest.

Content on a website has longevity. As long as you know which clicks work.

Store content on your platform

The best content will work repeatedly for years on your domain and website. The more you do, the more you attract. If the content does well, the machine rewards you with more traffic. It can be an upward spiral.

James Clear

Beyond that, the economics of content are not obvious.

Accelerating returns from website content

The opposite of diminishing returns?

There is a reason that cheap, quick copycat content is a false economy. By all means, go fishing with quick content and see where you get traction and distribute on social media. Identify sources of interest.

Once you see interest, it is worth working on.

Quality means compound gains

Let’s say a piece of content ‘breaks even’ at a 1% conversion rate.

At a 2% conversion rate, the profitability is 100%

At a 3% conversion rate (a 50% increase), the profitability is 200%

Improve the content we already have.

Invest more time and spiral upwards.

Anyone can do simple.

Just writing down the things you do is not enough. Direct competitors are just a click away. On the internet, our neighbours all offer the same things we do.

Competition reduces value, this is marketing 101.

The good news is that visitors are looking for more. There is time to take advantage and say what our competitors are not saying. Make arguments. Convince and convert.

How does content achieve a higher conversion rate?

What does quality mean?

How do we improve existing content?


It all starts with a good conversation.