our services

Tailoring website content for visitors is good for business.

Keyword Research


/ per topic

Before you create content, we map out the entire topic to show you the context.

  • Show the whole topic, your positioning in context
  • Mapped by topic timeline, plan pages for stages
  • Separate out the niche audiences

Knowing the value of the keywords you are targeting and sensing whether you have product keyword market fit ahead of time is valuable.

Keyword Extraction


/ per year

Google Search Console shows you a subset of the searches your website is attracting.

  • Connect up to your website to start logging searches
  • Use the API to extract ALL your website data to a spreadsheet
  • Start filtering topics to show potential

Periodic extraction for archiving and continuous optimisation ensures that you at least get the data. Secure the data before Google removes the service, it is your asset.

it’s simple

Search Marketing Analysis

Learn more about your audience and understand what they are trying to do,

  • make better decisions
  • achieve quicker traction
  • build a better website
  • create better content
  • make it more real

Make more money.

Traditional Keyword Research doesn’t help.

Understanding the value of different types of words helps you


audience analysis

Website audience analysis

To reveal the nature of your current website visitor profile is to begin the journey towards improving performance.

To see what your existing visitors are looking for, where they are in their buying process and who you are talking to.

Even the best Keyword Research is ineffective.

Deduplicate and map their intent

The audience data is hidden in plain site.

Because it’s Google, it is obscure and hidden. We help reveal visitor intent, so you can help more of them.

  • Google Search Console data extraction
  • Raw Data for Processing
  • Group by Topic: Start with the most likely to succeed
  • Deduplicate and Mindmap for clarity
  • See the audience priorities, develop content structure plans
  • The structure converts as much as the content