Markets, Timelines and Niche Audiences

Search Marketing is powerful. The timing of the website visit coincides with those people wanting something, and they tell you what that is.

Most market research asks people to imagine what it might be like to want something. Search marketing instead observes the behaviour of those people actively researching their buying decisions.

What other type of market research can result in immediate enquiries? It is a modern miracle when it works.

It works better when you truly listen to what people want.

Clicks, screens and graphs hide who we are dealing with.

But marketing on the web is invisible, and you can’t easily ‘see’ what is happening. How can you hear people that you can’t even see?

The answer is that, taken too far, data can blind us to what really matters. We are tone-deaf. How do we see and hear the people behind the screen?

Insights from Audiences

Through years of practice, we created a framework for processing keywords for Search; it reveals more about what visitors want, who they are and what content they need. It’s the words that give us the knowledge, not the numbers.

When we understand who we are talking to, we get more traction.

Turning keywords into audiences

  • The audience, not volumes.
  • People first, not SEO first (we love SEO too).
  • When we plan who we are talking to, the conversation goes better
  • It helps us in all other aspects of our digital marketing.

Why figure out audiences?

Insight into people’s wants and needs is highly actionable, like listening first and then talking. Listening makes it more likely you will tune in and connect.

  • If we know what works, we can do more of it; fine.
  • If we know why it works, we can improve it; awesome.
  • Both are always better; like quantity and quality, they compound.

How ‘Search Audiences’ work

Any audience has all three following characteristics

  • A topic of interest
  • A timeline, stages of interest
  • ‘Who’ we click with (commonly referred to as audience niches)

These three major aspects of an audience can be seen in keywords. They all affect our success.

To be clear, we speculate that you don’t have an effective (search) audience if you don’t have all three.


There is a simple technique to uncover the search audiences.

We look forward to testing the theory with you.

This is the point; Search audiences are ‘real’ audiences. Although anonymous, they exist, unlike personas which ‘may or may not’ be reachable. The search audience is most definitely there.

We can make the invisible easier to see for marketers to find out.

Search Audiences can tell you what to write next and where to put the content to best effect.

The audiences are hidden and misunderstood; they get mixed up with repetitive and re-ordered words. Making an effort to declutter makes audience strategy easier.

Turn Keywords into Audiences

Talk to us

We are developing training courses around keywords to show you how to translate them into audiences you can see, and therefore do something with. But this individual exercise for different industries makes it ‘depend’ on your circumstances.

So, in the meantime, talk to us individually, and we’ll walk it through.

Communication is easier when you can see who you’re dealing with and can understand what they want.